Tapped In Festival 2004
Planning Meeting
Date: June 21, 2004
Title: TI Festival 2004 Planning Meeting
Moderators: BJ Berquist
Tapped In Festival July 21, 2004 Transcripts
Title: Arts for At-Risk, Alternative & Incarcerated Individuals
Moderator: BJ Berquist
Title: Benkyoukai: Social Constructivism
Moderators: Mike Jaffe and Keiko Schneider
Title: Benkyoukai: Social Constructivism
Moderators: Keiko Scheider and Richard Harrison
Title: Collaboration Tools for the 21st Century
Moderator: Jeff Cooper
Title: ENC Focus: Exploring weekly topics for Math and
Science teachers
Moderator: Gail Hoskins
Title: Un-muddling the middle grades: Math and Science resources from ENC
Moderator: Gail Hoskins
Title: Global Learning Communities
Moderators: Jim Oliver and Linda Ullah
Title: K-3+ Great Resources
Moderator: Susan Roseman
Title: Using TI with K-12 Students
Moderator: Marielle Palombo
Title: Make History with the Library of Congress
Moderator: Leni Donlan
Title: Math & Science Professional Development Online for Out-of-Area Teachers
Moderator: Michael Hosking
Title: Nuts About Nature: A Midsummer's NightMARE
Moderator: Bill Hilton Jr.
Title: National At-Risk Education Network
Moderator: Anthony Dallman-Jones
Title: Social Studies Forum
Moderator: Michael Hutchison
Title: Targeting Librarians! Tech and Storytelling
Moderator: Lesley Farmer
Title: Reflection through experience and experiment with the Webheads
Moderator: Elizabeth Hanson-Smith
Title: WriteTalk: Writing Challenges
Moderator: Sandra Shattuck