Tapped In Member Perspectives: Meet Rita Zeinsteje

Rita is an EFL teacher in Argentina, an advocate of CALL (Computer Aided Language Learning) and of CMC (Computer Mediated Communication) tools for language learning.

Rita's Perspective

Some 4 years ago, I came across Tapped In and immediately realized it was the place to share experiences, queries and achievements with people with my same interests. Reality surpassed my expectations, as not only did I expand my little knowledge on the use of synchronous and asynchronous tools for educational purposes, but mostly and most significantly, I gained the chance to meet and make true friends all over the world.

Tapped In is, to me, as well as for so many other Webheads in Action, our home. Even to those who for different reasons do not join the Sunday meetings too often, Tapped In is unique. And this has several explanations. To start with, having a corner of one's own - an "office" - adds a very special sense of belonging. Files can be uploaded there, as well as photos, quotes and notes, which all give a personal touch to the environment. "Featured Passageways" provide us with the chance to post links to other members' offices, as if open doors showing the way. Whiteboards for visitors to leave their messages, Discussion Boards ready to be shared. And there is the calendar, reminding all members of events and meetings in advance, as well as timetables and proceedings. And free and easy access to archives and files of past events.

And then all the other options, which are true gates to the world. Educators from all corners can meet here and communicate in real time with likeminded people. We meet and discuss, question and answer, explore and analyze, have fun and share.

But still more amazing than that: the people behind the scenes. None of the features mentioned above would be as valuable without them. They dedicate hours on end to this cause - contributing with their imagination, their work, their professionalism and their generosity. People like BJ, Keiko, JeffC and many others keep this safe online environment going, guiding, assisting, supporting, giving us all the opportunities to learn and meet, something which would have never happened otherwise.

As to my personal experience, Tapped In has enriched my life. Many of the friends I have met online I have already met face to face, like Teresa, in Portugal, Karen, in New Haven, David, in Manhattan. They all come from different spots in the world but they all share the same trait: their love to communicate and to interact with other people, their generosity, their commitment - and the advantage of having discovered Tapped In as the gathering corner for people alike.