Tapped In Newsletter: October 2001

October 2001
Issue 47

In This Issue

[1] Member Perspective: Jan Naher-Snowden
[2] K-8 Science Discussion Group Reactivated
[3] Looking into the future: What's in store for TAPPED IN
[4] TAPPED IN Member News Nuggets
[5] Technology Tips
[6] About ...On the TAPIS

Quote of the Month - "If civilization is to survive, we must cultivate the science of human relationships - the ability of all peoples, of all kinds, to live together, in the same world at peace." - Franklin D. Roosevelt

[1] Member Perspective: Jan Naher-Snowden

I first was introduced to TAPPED IN during an on-line "Teaching With Webquests" course that I took with Bernie Dodge in the spring of 1999. Little did I know at the time that I would find TAPPED IN to be a stimulating professional resource and a link to people who are expanding the boundaries of learning in dynamic conversations.

My erratic schedule has not allowed me to participate in the TAPPED IN community to the degree that I would like. However, in a weak moment in the early summer, I found myself volunteering to lead a session for the Crazy Eights Summer Carnival and before I knew it, I was learning the ins and outs of facilitating a discussion. That session, Science Webquests, convinced me that leading a monthly session for K-8 Science Discussion would be a rewarding opportunity.

I would like to see the K-8 Science Discussion to be owned by all the participants, with shared responsibility for generating topics for discussion. We have vast resources on hand and not one of us has the time or energy to be an expert in all. We need each and every one of us to share the treasures we have discovered and to explore collaboratively the unfolding science oriented riches we have at our finger tips.

See all our member perspectives.

[2] K-8 Science Discussion Group Reactivated

K-8 Science, a dynamic group of educators that was previously led by Erik Wilson and Jackie Menasco, is restarting under the able guidance of Jan Naher-Snowden. This group will meet on the fourth Monday of each month. The organizational meeting will take place on Monday, October 22, at 6pm PDT/9pm EDT. (See [1] for Jan's Member Perspective.)

[3] Looking into the future: What's in store for TAPPED IN?

Exciting stuff! We wanted to let our loyal members know that we've heard all your ideas on how we can make TAPPED IN better, and we're doing something about it! Recently we were funded by NSF (the National Science Foundation) to develop a new version of TAPPED IN (code named TI Version 2.0) with a new user interface and new features, including course management, file sharing, graphical whiteboard, and lots more. It will look different from the current system, but we hope to make the transition as seamless as possible for you. In the coming months, if you are interested and have a little time, we will be asking your help to test and refine the new system. We want you to know that it's only because of your use and feedback on the current system that this next version is possible. Thanks for your help and support thus far and for your future feedback on the next version! Stay tuned for more information in future newsletters.

[4] TAPPED IN Member News Nuggets

The September 2001 issue of "Leading and Learning with Technology" contains two articles by TAPPED IN members Joyce Valenza and Cynthia Peterson.
Karen Lemons is leading a TAPPED IN session at the MAME (Michigan Association for Media in Education) Conference on Thursday, November 8.
The Center for Innovation at Foothill Community College in Los Altos Hills CA has a technology staff development program for educators. The mission of the Center is to close the Digital Divide and create educational opportunities for students and their teachers. This program is called LINC (Learning in New Media Classrooms). For more information contact TAPPED IN member, Linda Ullah.
Kevan Nitzberg has a new article up entitled "Humor in Art or a line is a dot that went for a walk - Paul Klee". Read the article online at http://www.art-themagazine.com/pages/insite8.htm.
Carolyn Burleson shares this PeaceQuest with the Tapped In community: http://www.lausd.k12.ca.us/Lincoln_HS/Burleson/Lessons/PeaceQuest/.
Modeling Technology Integration Through Webcasts:

In June 2000, the Graduate School of Education (GSE) at George Mason University (GMU) in partnership with Arlington Public Schools, Fairfax County Public Schools, Prince William Public Schools, and Kidz Online, was awarded a Preparing TomorrowÕs Teachers to Use Technology (PT3) grant by the U.S. Department of Education. Part of this grant involves the development of a series of webcasts (live streaming video sent over the Web). These webcasts focus on various technologies and the ways in which these technologies can be used in the K-12 classroom.

At this time we have produced four webcasts. The first one was on the use of Inspiration, a concept mapping tool. This webcast was broken into 4 segments. Part 1 was an introduction to the program & how to use it, Part 2 looked at the use of Inspiration in the Language Arts curriculum, Part 3 focused on the use in Social Studies, Science and Math, and Part 4 included planning and productivity issues. The second and third webcasts, following the same format, were on Teaching Internet Search Engines and Teaching Website Evaluations. The fourth webcast was on multimedia in the primary classroom, focusing on the use of KidPix. We are planning to air our fifth webcast on Oct. 23rd at 4:00 EST. This one will focus on multimedia in the upper grades, primarily PowerPoint and HyperStudio.

For more information contact TAPPED IN member, Debra Sprague, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.
Do you have a News Nugget about yourself or another member of the TAPPED IN Community? Send your News Nugget to BJ Berquist at bjb @ tappedin.org.

[5] Technology Tips

When you're logged in to TAPPED IN and you have a question about how to do something, click on HELP at the top of your screen. "The TAPestry Interface" is one of the links you'll find on the HELP page. Here you can learn more about the features of the web interface.

Advanced Tech Tip of the Month: Leading a workshop about TAPPED IN
The HELP link can give you some ideas on how to introduce TAPPED IN during a workshop. "Help Guides and Tips" on the HELP page contains a link to "Tips for Trainings". This resource offers advice on pre, during, and post workshop activities.

[6] About ...On the TAPIS

Postings of all ...ON THE TAPIS issues are available on the TAPPED IN website. Contact us if you have any questions about your subscription, password or user name, or if you have any news items that you want to share with the community for ...ON THE TAPIS.